Remember this handbag design I sketched out, and later designed a few months ago?
Well, here is the sample product! Our latest assignment, was to create a sample of our handbag out of fabric, and materials needed to construct it. I used striped fabric and staples and it took an hour to complete. What do you think? My production chart is below.
Here is my production cost chart. My handbag's estimated cost is $189.80, which I find quite reasonable.
(Production Cost)
Yard of Striped Fabric: $11.00
Staples: $2.00
Time/Wage: 60mins
Total Production: $73
Time:Wage: 60mins x $9: $5.40
20% Profit: $73-20% = $58.40
Total Cost: $131.40
Estimated Cost: $189.80
This is the blog I use for my Teen Vogue X Parsons class assignments, you can still follow me here during the remainder of my classes, and my new blog!
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